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427 - Future Public Transport Mobility: Automation and Personalization
  发表时间:2019-11-10    阅读次数:

FuturePublic Transport Mobility: Automation and Personalization



主讲人Avishai Ceder 教授

邀请人:暨育雄 副教授





Avishai(Avi) Ceder is the Founder and was the Director, until 2014, of the transportationresearch centre (TRC) in the University of Auckland. Avi was Head of theTransportation Engineering and Geo-Information Department at the Technion, theChief Scientist at the Israel Ministry of Transport from 1994 to 1997, and theIsrael delegate to the Transport Program of the European Community. He was avisiting Professor twice at MIT, the University of California at Berkeley, andat Universities of Hong Kong and Tokyo, and he is a member of variousinternational symposia and workshops (e.g., ISTTT, CASPT). In 2007 Avi releasedthe book ‘Public Transit Planning and Operation: Theory, Modelling andPractice’, 640 p., by Elsevier, Oxford, UK, which was translated to Chinese byTsinghua Press, Beijing, 2010; its 2nd edition ‘Public Transit Planning andOperation: Modelling, Practice and Behavior’ 742 p. appeared in 2016 by CRCPress, Boca Raton, USA, and was translated to Chinese by Tsinghua Press,Beijing, in 2017, and to Korean by Cheong Moon Gak press, Seoul, Korea in 2018.


Thispresentation shows that presently, in 2019, it is evident that more than halfthe world’s population resides in cities, and growth is expected almostexclusively in cities. Accordingly, urban growth acceleration can be expectedto result in healthier, more efficient and more productive live for citydwellers. The believed solutions for the future rely on public transport (PT)modes of travel, regardless of whether they are metro, bus, light rail, tram,Uber or Lyft service, an ordinary taxi, personal-rapid transit or any otherPT-based future mode.

Thepresentation continues with the need for for a personalized PT service. Throughthe use of smartphone applications (apps), a traveler not only seeks a pathfrom origin to destination, but also a satisfactory path that caters to thetraveler’s preferences at the requested time of travel. Initial research isdemonstrated foucsing on the personalized route guidance methodology using theclassic and a k-weighted shortest path methods with human perception thresholdconsideration.


